Chungdo Pharmaceuticals

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals - A Leading Global Medical Device Manufacturer

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals - A Leading Global Medical Device Manufacturer





Home Diagnostic Strips

Self-Stik Vita-Check
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
Urine Test Strip

Key Features

What is Vitamin C ?
(Ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C is a strong reducing agent found at high levels in various foods, and it may influence the results of urine strip tests even at an ordinary consumption levels.

Ascorbic acid at higher concentration in urine samples can lead to false negative results in a number of urine tests, with a potential risk of clinical findings being overlooked, particularly with glucose and hemoglobin. The ascorbic acid status of urine samples should always be routinely known so as to establish what adjustment needs to be made.

Result Interpretation