

세계적인 제조업체 청도제약

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals - A Leading Global Medical Device Manufacturer

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals - A Leading Global Medical Device Manufacturer

Contact Us

페이지 정보

이름 Chungdo 작성일19-06-03 12:30 조회4,499회 댓글0건


작성자명 Chungdo
E-mail chungdopharm@gmail.com
제목 Re: Lic chemistry


Dear Mr(or Ms.)Castaño Bernardo

Glad to know of your inquiry thru our home page.
We are offering you our "Price List" in attached in this message.

Yes, we have big interest of opening our biz in your market.

And, it is available to allow you some discount over  large quantity order, but it must be discussed at the time of order placement over the quantity would be placed.

Thank you.

Best regards. Shon Kim/President

**E-mail address : ichungdo@gmail.com
** P.S.: attachment "Price List for 2019"(2 pages)

 > Dear Mr.
> Sales Manager
> I am interest the distribution the your line the products in Argentina, please send information the your terms and conditions of the sales. for dealer international.
> Please send copy the your list the prices and discount for volumen.
> Best regards.
> Castaño Bernardo
> Ave. Cordoba 2439 - Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA
> Zip Code: 1120
> www.quimicacordoba.com.ar