

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals - A Leading Global Medical Device Manufacturer

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals - A Leading Global Medical Device Manufacturer

Florida International Medical Expo(FIME)

페이지 정보

Writer Chungdo Date19-07-24 10:02 View2,836



FIME(Florida International Medical Expo)

FIME is the largest gathering of healthcare and trade professionals in the Americas.





2019.06.26 2019.06.28

Miami Beach Convention Center, Americas

1,200 Exhibitors from 42 countries and regions / 10,000 Visitors


Exhibitor Profile:


Medical Equipment & Devices

Orthopedic & Physiotherapy / Rehabilitation

Disposables & Consumer Goods

IT Systems & Solutions

Healthcare Infrastructure & Assets

Imaging & Diagnostics

Laboratory Preventive & Post-Diagnostic Treatments

Healthcare & General Services



[Self-Stik Series]


Self-Stik(VET) 1~11: In vitro diagnostic aid using urine specimens testing of 11 parameters. (Urobilinogen, glucose, ketones, bilirubin, protein, nitrite, pH, occult blood, specific gravity, leukocytes and ascorbic acid)


Self-Stik 2MC: the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of Microalbumin, and Creatinine in urine.


Self-Stik FR: a simple urine test that detects MDA (malondialdehyde) levels, which is a by-product during lipid peroxidation due to stress and /or insufficient level of antioxidants.


Self-Stik Ca: Semi quantitative calcium analysis through color chart.


Slim Diet Stix: To test for the presence of the ketone via acetoacetic acid in the urine.


[Urine analyzer]



